Folks, let’s talk about ‘Social Distancing’. Us humans are ‘social’ beings which means we seek and crave companionship and are suited to living in communities, yes? It’s wired into our DNA, our bones. Well, nothing about that has changed.
Folks, let’s talk about ‘Social Distancing’. Us humans are ‘social’ beings which means we seek and crave companionship and are suited to living in communities, yes? It’s wired into our DNA, our bones. Ya feel?
Well, nothing about that has changed. We are seeing, and sure you are too, humans getting real creative with ways to continue to connect, and be connected in these times. We’ve seen virtual choirs, online fitness, neighbourhood flyer message services, home delivery of meals, virtual galleries and gigs, Skype celebrations and so much more!
Aren’t we clever, us humans!?
Johann Hari, author of the fantastic book “Lost Connections” speaks about loneliness, and how we can feel lonely even when surrounded by others. Loneliness is when “we don’t share anything that matters with those around us”
Right now we are all sharing an incredibly unique, globally pivotal experience with the entire planet. It matters, we matter, and how we keep connecting to each other matters a BUNCH right now.
Local forums online are popping up, letters to our vulnerable, Skypes to loved ones, sharing of music, exercise, and creative ways to get through day’s at home. We are behaving more socially than ever!
So while we ride this wave of keeping ourselves and others safe, and overcoming the spread of this virus, we MUST practice PHYSICAL DISTANCING but it does not stop us from practicing our basic human need of being social and connected. We just have to do this differently for a while.
And sure, it’s going to be hard. We want to hug our friends, visit the older people in our lives, we want celebrations to be in the same room as each other, to mark the end of someone’s life together in ceremony. And so so so many people’s livelihood and work requires physical closeness with each other.
Friends, this WILL pass, and we will be able to physically connect again one day. But let’s keep socially connecting from our homes, keeping us vitally alive in what is the human experience!